Following you to your car

Following you to your car


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It's the most effective defense tool I've found...

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Imagine you leave the grocery store on a quiet Wednesday night…

There's a homeless man smoking outside the sliding doors. His hair is gross and the scabs on his face are pussy and yellow.

You see he's about to ask for something, so you start walking faster

But so does he.

Suddenly he's in your face making demands.

You can tell he's drunk.

And when you don't give him what he wants… he decides he's going to take it.

You have two choices for what happens next:

  1. Give him all your cash and hope he shows you mercy…


  2. Use this "little black tube" to leave him writhing on the ground in agony.


The "tube" I'm talking about looks totally innocent…

But it's powerful enough to shatter the rhythm of a grown man's heart -- even make him lose control of his bodily functions.

Aside from a gun, it's the most effective defense tool I've found.

Best of all…

The company who makes them is currently handing out a small number for 50% OFF today.

They're doing this in response to the surge in violent crime in America right now… and due to the fact experts believe it will only increase as we get closer to the holidays.

They don't have too many left though.

(next 88 people are guaranteed to get one 50% OFF last I checked)

And these normally sell for 60 bucks, so I know they'll be gone fast.

Get yours here 50% OFF, while they're still available.

- The Patriot Wholesale Team

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