Xi’s secret plot & Putin's Ghost against America revealed

Xi’s secret plot & Putin's Ghost against America revealed


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The Pentagon already has this sensitive information for themselves- the government won't save you.

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What you're about to watch is highly sensitive information.

And the US government doesn't want you to see it.

Instead, they want you to be their puppet.

Working you into an early grave - pay your taxes, stay silent and be a model citizen.

What follows is a chilling account of one devout Christian's fight against the tyrannical machine that has a grip over so many of us.

He's secretly taking back control of his future. Preparing for the worst. And now he wants to help as many people as possible do the same.

But why should you care?

Because the world is falling apart.

Famine, droughts, contagious outbreaks, war on every corner.



Seems to me the end days are upon us.

So when God says enough is enough and He rains down destruction and devastation on this scorched Earth.

You absolutely must know how to survive and thrive through those end days.

And be ready to rise into Heaven.

This is your destiny and the path God has chosen for you.

Make no mistakes, the President will look after his own.

The Pentagon already has this sensitive information for themselves - the government won't save you.

You have to save yourself.

Click here to watch the video.

~Family Survival System

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