INSTANT PRECISION: Now Available to the Public (shipping covered...)

INSTANT PRECISION: Now Available to the Public (shipping covered...)


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Zero ammo. Zero range trips. Zero frustration...
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"Upgrade Your Gear, Not Your Budget"

November 19th, 2024


I've got something here you need to check out:

In fact, you'll never shoot the same way again...


Because this new boresighter will let you zero in on your target with pinpoint accuracy, all without firing a single shot!

In fact, you can achieve sniper precision without wasting a single round of ammo or even leaving your home!


Codename: The Boar

Once reserved for military sharpshooters, this advanced sighting technology is now available for civilian use.

Take a look: The Boar is compatible with all calibers from .17 HMR to .50 Cal, requires no live fire, and gives you a perfect zero in just 10 seconds!

Thanks to an exclusive deal, I'm able to offer The Boar to you at an insane 36% OFF discount…

While supplies last, I'm throwing in free adapters and free shipping!

Grab your MCG Boar Laser Boresighter before I run out.

In Liberty, Oli Fischer

P.S. Imagine getting the best zero or your entire shooting life... without firing a single round.

Zero ammo. Zero range trips. Zero frustration.

This little device allows you to get a sub-MOA zero on any rifle, carbine, handgun or even shotgun -- 100% safely and from the comfort of your own home.

Get your MCG Boar 37% OFF here (Free S&H)


- Firearm Upgrades


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