Loudest whistle on Earth... yours free. [Hotlist Only.]

Loudest whistle on Earth... yours free. [Hotlist Only.]


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It Can Be Used For Self-Defence And Much More...
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Dear Freedom Loving Survivalist:

Here's a whistle that's 150 decibels.

In case you're not familiar, that's louder than a jet engine (135db) ... a canned air horn (130db)... or a rifle shot (140db).

Sonic Whistle Photo

And today... it's Yours FREE!

>> Okay, I Want One! <<

It's yet another new product that I want YOU and other hotlist guys to test out.

I'll admit, it doesn't look like any whistle you've ever seen before.

We call it the TRS Sonic Whistle. And man, is it LOUD. Freakishly loud. This will blow the eardrums off a burglar or home invader and have him running for his life.

It's also very practical for hunting, camping, fishing, hiking or any situation where you could find yourself lost and in need of help.

Right now this is the "go-to" whistle for cops, security guards, coaches, lifeguards, survivalists, and search-and-rescue teams -- just to name a few.

Best Part: Right here, right now, by special invitation only, (you had to receive an email from me), I will rush you one of these TRS Sonic Whistles... For FREE!

>> Claim Yours HERE! <<

No strings attached. But there are just 200 free samples to go around. I expect these to be gone fast.

If you reach a "SOLD OUT" page then sorry, you're too late.

So get there now, while you can.

For a safe life...

FightFast/TRS Survival

P.S. Please, act now if you want in on this hotlist product test. Thanks, I'll see you there.

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